Are you tired of feeling exhausted, dealing with gut issues, and battling hormonal imbalances?

Let’s get to the root cause of your symptoms. No more Band-Aid solutions. Just because you have been told something is normal, doesn’t mean you have to deal with it.

Are you sick of wondering…

How do I get rid of bloat?

Will my hormones ever balance out?

Will I ever have enough energy to do the things I want to do?

Will my skin ever clear up?

I'm Jade Birchmeier


After struggling with bloat, rashes, acne, PCOS, painful periods and never ending fatigue and acne. I made it my mission to dive into school to learn how to heal holistically and to then help others heal the same.

I have personally worked with many clients, supporting their journeys to heal from a root cause perspective with functional lab testing, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset.

Let's work together

In my one on one coaching program YOU WILL get the answers

and FINALLY heal so you can live the life you are ready to.

Book a Free Nutrition Consultation to Learn More.


Transform Your Life: Say Goodbye to Low Energy, Gut Issues, and Hormonal Imbalances!



I just completed a 6 month package with Jade, and I can’t put into words how blessed and grateful I am for those 6 months! Working with Jade was truly life changing. After graduating from college, my body experienced a giant shift like I have never experienced before. I felt sluggish, had major brain fog, low energy, and I was just steadily gaining weight. After doctor visits and blood work, I wasn’t getting the answers I was hoping for. Apparently “nothing was wrong” with me. After visiting a second PA, she referred me to Nutritionist. When starting with Jade, I went full force on trying to get to the bottom of what was happening to me and changing it. Jade showed me ALL the support and more…. And most importantly, she listened to me!! Now after 6 months I have my energy back, I’ve learned how to fuel my body without focusing on “dieting”, my digestion is 1,000,000x better, and I’m happy when I look in the mirror again. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Highly recommend to anyone if you feel like you are in a funk. Life is too short to not enjoy fully ❤️


“I worked with Jade for 6 months this year, and she changed my life. I am so grateful to her. If you're looking for a nutritionist...look no further. As my thyroid doctor said, upon reviewing my protocol and lab results: "Your nutritionist knows her stuff."

Throughout my program, Jade not only helped me meet the physical health goals I stated prior to working together (losing fat, gaining energy, not feeling crappy all the time, etc.). Her protocol for me resulted in a bunch of other benefits I hadn't expected. For example, I now have pretty perfect skin, nearly painless menstrual cycles, and hardly any stomachaches. How great is that?

On a deeper level, Jade's mantra - "progress over perfection" - has become my own personal mantra. I've gained a new sense of confidence in my ability to meet my goals - not just health goals, but also life goals - no matter how many obstacles get in the way.

Jade's constant support, kindness, and patience made me look forward to our sessions, and I already miss working with her. Thank you so much, Jade!”


“Working with Jade will forever be one of the best decisions I've made. These past 6 months Jade has helped me tremendously . My energy and mood is better than ever, I've lost 25 pounds that I thought would be impossible after years of trying to loose weight, and most importantly I am happy with myself”

Perhaps more importantly, she ALSO gave me the education I needed to maintain these results, even after our time together. Jade is a fountain of knowledge, based all her recommendations on your results from multiple scientific tests - no guessing, no woo-woo remedies here. She was great about explaining the WHY behind my protocol, to educate me on nutrition science and enable me to make healthy choices, all on my own. Thanks to her, keeping up my newly-healthy lifestyle has become second nature.

Nutrition Coaching

Unleash Your Potential: Achieve Lasting Health Transformations with Personalized Support!

Through my personalized step-by-step nutrition, functional lab tests, targeted supplement protocols, and tailored lifestyle program, I'm here to empower you to make lasting changes.

  • Discover the Power of Personalization: No more cookie-cutter solutions – It is all about you!

  • Support and Accountability: You'll have the support and accountability you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

  • Ready to Thrive? Ditch the low energy, bid farewell to gut issues, and regain hormonal balance. It's time to take charge of your well-being and embrace a life full of vitality!

Say goodbye to setbacks and hello to a world of possibilities

– are you ready to make it happen?

Here is what you can expect

from working together


Picture this: A life where you're free from bloating and discomfort, enjoying a flat stomach that makes you feel confident and beautiful! Your gut health is on point, and you're rocking a regular, pain-free menstrual cycle. Plus, your energy levels are through the roof, and you don’t have that afternoon slump anymore! How do you get this?

The answer lies in my personalized 1:1 Gut & Hormone Revive Program!

Areas that we will focus on include: Gut health, Liver function, Hormone regulation, and strategies to make your new changes a lifestyle.

Client Success!

Follow me on IG @JadesWellness